Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Rules of Due Process

The Rules of Due Process

I will work with the state of Wisconsin to ensure that “The rules of due process” are the People’s Power to control the machine we call government and get the redress for our grievances that millions died for!

The legal industry has hidden the rules of due process from you and from the rest of the public, so lawyers can charge exorbitant fees to do what any 8th grader should be able to do. Due process is your #1 right, because without it none of your other “rights” are enforceable in court! But! To enforce your rights you need to use the rules!

The Constitution mentions due process. It doesn’t begin to explain what due process is or how to use it to control courts … and thereby to control judges, lawyers, giant banks, high-minded government officials, or even angry neighbors! Can we Americans afford not to learn the rules? Due process is the power of the people to control their government by controlling the courts!

I believe it’s criminal for a government to refuse to teach its People how to use due process to enforce the People’s God-given rights! But, our leaders refuse to teach us the rules by which they control us! So I will work with the state and other educational units to get this education put into place. The citizens up until around the 1900’s knew Due Process and we should to.

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