Monday, October 12, 2009

I believe that underlying all of the political agendas that are being hurled at the American people today The stimulus, the bail-outs, Health Care, Cap and Trade, Cyber security, Illegal Immigration, the betrayal of our national sovereignty, military readiness, and the ongoing evidence that our representatives are trying to grab more power and control than ever before in history has to do with the corruption of our understanding of freedom.

This corruption leads to the abandonment of respect for law and individual responsibility, the twin pillars which ought to secure true freedom.

Being a people of true freedom, our way of life depends upon certain moral ideas in dealing with issues of public policy. Those ideas have been abandoned for a long time and have been abandoned for the quest of power, not what is right for the country, but right for the parties.

We have a somewhat small document that contains the job descriptions for our representatives to run the country. That document is the US Constitution. I am running on the Constitution Party platform for the US Senate seat in Wisconsin in the 2010 race because I believe that principles over party matter more now in our history than ever before. The voters need to take a look at the alternatives and make the decision to get the country back to the basics of this document.

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