Yeah, we had a Tea Party up here in WI also (In Racine). It was ok. I went with a few other libertarians, and there were some other libertarians there. We handed out anti-war, non-interventionist, pro-liberty literature. Ken Van Doren was there which was awesome. One guy I saw and talked to had an infowars hat on
As for the whos who, who spoke. Both GOP candidates were big Neo's. I asked Dave Westlake what he thought of Ron Paul and he dodged. As for the handouts (anti-war) it went ok. About 70/30 of take to non-takers. Many were receptive. I added the Ron Paul Christian Just War video on there so hopefully they'll check that out. There must have been about 2000-3000 there. I can't implore people enough to go to every Tea Party. People are at least somewhat receptive, and if we don't get involved the Neo's will definitely co-opt them for sure. The other GOP candidate was a buffoon (He called himself an economist), and all he talked about was how we need confidence, and everything will be all better.
I must say though, I was impressed with Rob Taylor. The Constitution Party candidate. He only briefly mentioned God, but he was damn fiery and his message was awesome (90% agreement). I laughed though when he said we need to repeal the 16th Amendment and abolish the IRS and the crowd went dead silent. I was the only one who shouted. He also brought up non-interventionism, ending the Federal Reserve, the NWO, etc. He got a very good reception, much better than the other two Neo's combined. I also found it awesome when he talked about booting the UN off US soil and us getting out that the crowd uproared. Good stuff. Not sure if they'll vote CP, but the LP candidate wasn't there (not sure if there is one running), but I would be happy with him winning thats for sure. GL with that though....
Thumbs up :)