Thursday, November 18, 2010
I'm 63 and I'm Tired
This should be required reading for every man, woman and child in the United States of America .
"I'm 63 and I'm Tired"
by Robert A. Hall
I'm 63. Except for one semester in college when jobs were scarce and a six-month period when I was between jobs, but job-hunting every day, I've worked hard since I was 18. Despite some health challenges, I still put in 50-hour weeks, and haven't called in sick in seven or eight years. I make a good salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, there's no retirement in sight, and I'm tired. Very tired.
I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.
I'm tired of being told that I have to pay more taxes to "keep people in their homes." Sure, if they lost their jobs or got sick, I'm willing to help. But if they bought Mc Mansions at three times the price of our paid-off, $250,000 condo, on one-third of my salary, then let the left-wing Congress-critters who passed Fannie and Freddie and the Community Reinvestment Act that created the bubble help them with their own money.
I'm tired of being told how bad America is by left-wing millionaires like Michael Moore, George Soros and Hollywood Entertainers who live in luxury because of the opportunities America offers. In thirty years, if they get their way, the United States will have the economy of Zimbabwe , the freedom of the press of China the crime and violence of Mexico , the tolerance for Christian people of Iran , and the freedom of speech of Venezuela .
I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to.
I'm tired of being told that "race doesn't matter" in the post-racial world of Obama, when it's all that matters in affirmative action jobs, lower college admission and graduation standards for minorities (harming them the most), government contract set-asides, tolerance for the ghetto culture of violence and fatherless children that hurts minorities more than anyone, and in the appointment of U.S. Senators from Illinois.
I think it's very cool that we have a black president and that a black child is doing her homework at the desk where Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation. I just wish the black president was Condi Rice, or someone who believes more in freedom and the individual and less arrogantly of an all-knowing government.
I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must let Saudi Arabia use our oil money to fund mosques and mandrassa Islamic schools to preach hate in America , while no American group is allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia to teach love and tolerance.
I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate. My wife and I live in a two-bedroom apartment and carpool together five miles to our jobs. We also own a three-bedroom condo where our daughter and granddaughter live. Our carbon footprint is about 5% of Al Gore's, and if you're greener than Gore, you're green enough..
I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses while they tried to fight it off? I don't think Gay people choose to be Gay, but I #@*# sure think druggies chose to take drugs. And I'm tired of harassment from cool people treating me like a freak when I tell them I never tried marijuana.
I'm tired of illegal aliens being called "undocumented workers," especially the ones who aren't working, but are living on welfare or crime. What's next? Calling drug dealers, "Undocumented Pharmacists"? And, no, I'm not against Hispanics. Most of them are Catholic, and it's been a few hundred years since Catholics wanted to kill me for my religion. I'm willing to fast track for citizenship any Hispanic person, who can speak English, doesn't have a criminal record and who is self-supporting without family on welfare, or who serves honorably for three years in our military.... Those are the citizens we need.
I'm tired of latte liberals and journalists, who would never wear the uniform of the Republic themselves, or let their entitlement-handicapped kids near a recruiting station, trashing our military. They and their kids can sit at home, never having to make split-second decisions under life and death circumstances, and bad mouth better people than themselves. Do bad things happen in war? You bet. Do our troops sometimes misbehave? Sure. Does this compare with the atrocities that were the policy of our enemies for the last fifty years and still are? Not even close. So here's the deal. I'll let myself be subjected to all the humiliation and abuse that was heaped on terrorists at Abu Ghraib or Gitmo, and the critics can let themselves be subject to captivity by the Muslims, who tortured and beheaded Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, or the Muslims who tortured and murdered Marine Lt. Col. William Higgins in Lebanon, or the Muslims who ran the blood-spattered Al Qaeda torture rooms our troops found in Iraq, or the Muslims who cut off the heads of schoolgirls in Indonesia, because the girls were Christian. Then we'll compare notes. British and American soldiers are the only troops in history that civilians came to for help and handouts, instead of hiding from in fear.
I'm tired of people telling me that their party has a corner on virtue and the other party has a corner on corruption. Read the papers; bums are bipartisan. And I'm tired of people telling me we need bipartisanship. I live in Illinois , where the " Illinois Combine" of Democrats has worked to loot the public for years. Not to mention the tax cheats in Obama's cabinet.
I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of both parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.
Speaking of poor, I'm tired of hearing people with air-conditioned homes, color TVs and two cars called poor. The majority of Americans didn't have that in 1970, but we didn't know we were "poor." The poverty pimps have to keep changing the definition of poor to keep the dollars flowing.
I'm real tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.
Yes, I'm tired. But I'm also glad to be 63. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter.
Again I am not 63, but 54 is close enough. We have to help change to get this country back on track.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Why I should vote for Rob
First let me start by saying that the reason I started running in the first place was because I saw no one there to represent and help the middle and working class people. Someone who could help secure our borders to protect the country, lessen the tax situation, help get our jobs back and protect our young neighbors from going off to unconstitutional war and to prevent the takeover by the UN.
I am a middle class working guy that knows what it is like to fear about our jobs, health insurance, mortgage, sending our kids to school and or off to war. In short like most of you. I felt my 36 years in the business world and my three terms as an Alderman gave me the experience needed to help solve our problems.
It is time we had representation in Washington that reflects issues and concerns of the people.
In looking over my opponents I am glad I am in the race.
Second, I developed a plan early on in the campaign that not only spells what the issues are but how they can be solved. This plan covers twelve different calls to action on what I plan to execute when I am elected to the Office of U.S. Senate representing the State of Wisconsin. Some items of this plan will be put into place immediately; some will take time to implement. As bills do not happen overnight (at least if they are read), but at least I see this as a track to what I believe is the right direction for our country.
The plan is detailed as I have but effort, research and though into the solutions. Let me briefly share three points with you.
1. My first and foremost duty as a Senator is to ensure that our country and its citizens are protected. I will introduce a bill for Congress to direct the President of the United States to take 40,000 America troops from overseas stations and put 30,000 of them with full battle armament on the borders with the remaining 10,000 troops assisting ICE in removing illegal’s from this country. I will also work to eliminate the anchor-baby tactic and make English the language of the U.S.
2. My second priority is to secure our financial and economic situation. The three biggest problem areas I see in this picture is our income tax code, our trade agreements and the Federal Reserve. I will introduce bills to replace our tax system with one that closely resembles the Fair Tax plan. By replacing our current tax system our citizens can keep more money in their pockets, thus buying more American products. This will allow businesses to grow and creating more jobs.
I will works on bills to get us out of the unfair free trade agreements like NAFTA and GATT and get us out the WTO.
I will work to introduce bills that get illegal immigrates out of the country and out of our job market.
I will work on bills that will get the government out of the price and salary setting policy.
This is how the Senate can create jobs. No empty rhetoric.
3. I will introduce a bill that will allow for the members in Congress to be more accountable to their people and not the lobbyist in D.C. B
Ring the Politicians Home will relocate Congress to their states, and allow for only 25% of the time to be in Washington. We can do this without a Constitutional Amendment.
I have really enjoyed getting out and meeting the people in Wisconsin. I know that I can represent them with the chains of the Constitution binding me. Whatever the outcome of today I know in my heart I was running for the right reason and that I was out there. Doing something!!
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of Yahweh, I will do." - Edward Everett Hale
Monday, October 25, 2010
Our Second Amendment
Passing laws like the assault weapons ban and executive orders with the UN to move on the Small Arms treaties is a symbolic - move in that direction.
If we accept their ideas that the American people cannot be trusted with the tools necessary to defend our liberty, then we will surely accept the idea that the American people cannot be trusted with liberty itself and we should check our citizenship at the door along with our guns.
These views are incompatible with the sovereignty of the American people. If we intend to exercise the duties of self-government and justice as free and rational Americans, then we will need to think clearly and logically about securing the means necessary to do so.
By disarming, we will be sending a signal to our government that we no longer aspire to sovereignty and justice. We will be signaling with great clarity that we wish to be comfortable slaves -- and slaves we will be.
Well I am not going to be a slave for I would rather die on my feet, than to live on my knees.
Our founding fathers felt very strong and knew from history the first-hand experience, the necessity of the 2nd amendment and the duties that it implies. It was added to the Constitution so that when a government with the intent to infringe or strip us of our natural rights, we will have the means to protect and recover those rights. This duty involves both the judgment and the moral capacity to resist tyranny. This duty means YOU.
Did you know that an animal, exposed to an unfamiliar situation will keep doing the same thing they always do. For example, when a dog finds no food in his bowl, he will keep on looking in that bowl for food. Over and over again until it get filled. We are in very unfamiliar ground with the goings on with our government. However unlike the dog, we don’t have time to wait to see if the situation will fix itself. And we don’t have time to fix the parties. We all know that the Republicans are giving us an empty suit and that suit has no idea of the principles behind the Second Amendment. How can this fix the country? Just because he has an “R” behind his name doesn’t make him a Constitutionalists.
I am running for the US Senate because I believe I can fix the country. I know why we have the Second. I have been fighting the corrupted system for two years now, promoting our campaign to bring to you a resource that you can count on. I have even given you a method of accountability. Who else is doing that?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate Rob Taylor Calls for Wisconsin Food Freedom
Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate Rob Taylor
Calls for Wisconsin Food Freedom
In recent events, Wisconsin's (DATCP) Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection continues to invest time, energy, and the State's financial resources into enforcements against small family farms who direct market their farm products to the end consumer. Between 2008-2010, along with aggressively expediting search warrants on small farmer Vernon Hershberger and taking Wisconsinite Max Kane to court over raw milk related investigations, DATCP has sent undercover agents to engage in covert operations to shut down small farms, such as in the case of the Trautman Family Farm. With no complaints signed by citizens, the State, a non-injured party, has now become the plaintiff against the People and the Farmers of Wisconsin. The State is very shamefully denying people the farm food of their choice, and now demanding to have jurisdiction over what people can eat in the privacy of their own home.
Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidate Rob Taylor demands the recourse of State spending where the State takes Wisconsinites to court without a formal complaint being signed by an injured party. Taylor also encourages the 2011 State Legislature to vote favorably upon the up and coming Wisconsin Food Freedom Bill to be introduced in the next legislative session.
More information at:
Press Contact: Max Kane
Will It Be The Constitution Revolution or Collaboration With Corruption?
Rob Taylor’s Constitution Revolution is now sweeping across the State of Wisconsin and the debate is over! Obamacare must be repealed now. While listening to the hapless debate between Feingold and Johnson it is clear that neither is serious about what it will take to enforce our Constitution and defend our liberty against Obamacare. The Federal usurpation of States rights to deal with health care is total in this bill. Debate over!
Why did Obamacare take over the student loan business, levy new taxes on gold sales, create a 3.8 percent real estate sales tax, create a 3.8 percent tax on investment income if you make more than 200,000 dollars, 10 percent tax on tanning services, 2.9 percent tax on medical aid devices, and finally why will you have to file a 1099 on purchases of 600 dollars or more? Obamacare did result in the immediate increase in premiums, cause small insurers to lay off employees, punish business with Cadillac plans, eliminate the possibility of small business to provide custom plans, and allow the Health and Human Services Secretary to decide which plan are exempt or non-compliant.
The IRS will enforce penalties if you cannot prove coverage and hire 16500 new agents, investigators, and auditors to do so. Prodigal sons and daughter elections have consequences with steep ramifications and by collaborating with radicals to take over health care your life is in jeopardy. Debate over!
Johnson believes health care should be fixed with a series of new bills. The question is what will those bills entail? Sounds like government control is still in his plan, the free market doesn’t need more regulation or additional Government programs. Prodigal sons and daughters will you to collaborate with Johnson when he can’t elaborate on what he really supports. If obamacare is defunded only 16500 IRS employees will be out of work but not the provisions stated in the previous paragraph. Still believe Johnson is on your side and a defender of the Constitution? Debate over!
Feingold believes that Wisconsin supported Obamacare with fully 60 percent of the citizens in favor. Feingold voted to exempt elected officials from participating in Obamacare that Wisconsinites must have. Prodigal sons and daughters will you continue the willing suspension of disbelief and collaborate with him? Collaborating with this man gave you Obamacare it’s time to make the right choice. Really, nothing left to debate with this man’s (hypocrite) motives so Debate Over!
Rob Taylor is calling the prodigal sons and daughter back to no longer collaborate with Utopian Statists. The Constitution Revolution means repealing Obamacare in its entirety leaving none of the Liberty robbing provisions as law. With the most consequential election in the history of American at hand who will you collaborate with, the Constitution Revolution or Corruption continued?
Rob Taylor will do what is needed to enforce the Constitution and defend Liberty.
Debate Over!
Won't you help him in these final days. The campaign needs about $500 to make it to the finish line.
Please donate Today: HELP Rob
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Taylor for Senate Campaign to Stage Protest
If you want to make sure that your liberties are protected and that you are getting a fair representation of who is on the ballot for the US Senate in November then come join us. We will be staging a protest outside the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service on Monday October 11 starting at 6:30 PM.
This is the institute that is hosting the debate event. The media, the opponents, the Universities and the government are all trying to keep us out of the debates. We have contacted each of these several times to get our campaign in the debates with no luck nor any response.
They are ignoring us and you
This shows what a corrupted system that is place for our election system and YOU, the voters are being denied valid access to information. So please come and show you support for your liberties.
We are not just asking our supporter but anyone who finds this offensive.
Date and Time: October 11 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. in Wausau
Hosts: Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service,
Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy & Service
615 Stewart Avenue
Wausau, WI
tel 715-261-6369
fax 715-261-6333
Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service
Director: Eric Giordano
Jean Greenwood
Program Associate
Other Hosts to complain too:
Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR), the Wausau Daily Herald, WAOW ABC-TV Wausau, and WSAW CBS-TV Wausau.
For more information call Rob Taylor at 715-419-2915 or write at:
Monday, October 4, 2010
Channel 19 in La Cross Interview's Rob Taylor
Taylor is running as the Constitution Party candidate to represent Wisconsin in the U.S. Senate. He's a three-time elected Alderman from Cumberland. As a software engineer, Taylor said he has both political and business experience.
Here are just a few of Taylor's positions on key issues:
- Protecting the borders
- Reducing government and spending
- Implementing a fair tax and ending the federal reserve
- Limiting political terms
- Relocating senators to state capitals
- National defense and protecting veterans
Hear more from the candidate himself by watching an extended clip of News 19's interview with Rob Taylor.
Click Here for the Interview
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Keeping Candidates out of the Polls
I find it absolutely appalling that you are keeping the news from the voters here in Wisconsin. In looking to see if the 3rd district debates were going to be televised I noticed your polls on your web page. No where do you mention the Constitution Party candidate for US Senate, nor the Independent candidates for the US House for the 3rd and 7th districts.
Look at the poll watch. This channel is keeping the independents and third party candidates out. This is News 18 in Eau Claire.
Shame on you. I think the best think the people of Wisconsin can do is to boycott your sponsors.
Defend Liberty;
Rob Taylor
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Asking for equal time on Rush Limbaugh show
Hi Mark,
I understand that you had Mr. Johnson on your show today, or I should say
Rush's show. Mark, I to am a candidate for the US Senate seat here in
Wisconsin. I have been running for over a year and a half now getting all
across Wisconsin.
I am with the Constitution Party and will be the third candidate on the
General ballot in Nov.
Being said that, I am requesting an interview on Rush Limbaugh's show.
Based on the FEC rulings I am asking for fair and equal air time in an
Please let me know.
Rob Taylor
US Senate Candidate - WI
Taylor Issues Apology to WI Family Value organization
They informed me that I will indeed be on the General Ballot list.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sheriff Richard Mack Endorses US Senate Candidate Rob Taylor
A new press release:
Cumberland, WI (August 30, 2010) — Nationally acclaimed liberty fighter, writer and teacher of the U.S. Constitution, Sheriff Richard Mack (Ret), has endorsed Rob Taylor for U.S. Senate. Sheriff Mack is the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, who sued the Clinton administration during the mid-90s over the Brady Bill. He is currently trying to educate sheriffs nation-wide about their powers to protect their constituents from abuse by the federal government. His new book, “The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope,” is about that very thing.
Sheriff Richard Mack is an Author/speaker and has served in a wide variety of roles over the course of his nearly twenty year career in law enforcement. After nearly 11 years at Provo PD, Mack decided to return to his childhood turf in Arizona and run for Graham County Sheriff. His campaign took off and he was elected in 1988. He was sheriff for two terms until 1997. He was named, “Elected Official of the Year,” by the Arizona-New Mexico Coalition of Counties in 1994. He received the NRA, “Law Officer of the Year,” award and was inducted into the NRA Hall of Fame. He received the 1995 Cicero Award, Samuel Adams, “Leadership Award,” from the Local Sovereignty Coalition, and the Gun Owners of America, “Defender of the Second Amendment Award.” During his tenure, federal officers informed the sheriffs of the state that they would be required to enforce the so-called “Brady Bill” and run background checks at their own expense. In 1994, Mack and six other sheriffs from across the country, challenged the constitutionality of the Brady Bill and ultimately, fought it all the way to the United States Supreme Court, where they won a monumental decision for freedom. Three years later, in a landmark 5-4 split decision based on the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Mack won his case.
In a letter to Campaign officials he writes:
“It gives me great pleasure to offer my endorsement to Rob Taylor for U S Senator from Wisconsin. Rob is truly the real Tea Party candidate. He knows and understands American idealism and he’s dedicated to the principles of our Constitution. Why compromise your vote by voting for a mainstream politician who has a history of providing no benefit to the people or to our country. It’s time to turn away from mainstream political correctness. Wisconsin has the opportunity to do just that by voting for Rob Taylor; the best candidate for U S Senator.
Sheriff Richard Mack (Ret)”
Candidate Taylor responded to the endorsement by saying:
“In the many speeches, I have given over the past year and half on the campaign trail, I tell the public the most important candidate they need to look at are their sheriffs. I hold Sheriff Mack’s beliefs in the Constitution as I am a big supporter of the 2nd and the 10th amendments. I could not think of a better qualified person to receive an endorsement from. I am both honored and so humbled to have his name on our campaign.”
About Rob Taylor for US Senate
Rob Taylor is running for the US Senate seat in Wisconsin for the 2010 elections. He favors strong 2nd rights and fights for the 10th amendment. More information can be obtained at his website:
Another web site we have been excluded from
I know I am calling Vote Smart and Wisconsin Family Council and demand to know why do they are not informing the voters correctly. I hope you do to!!! I know I am mad as hell about this. But more so I am mad for the people of Wisconsin.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Is the GAB committing voter fraud
I need your help in calling the GAB and demanding Mr. Feingold's name be removed.
The Government Accountability Board wants to hear from you.
Office Hours: M-F, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Call us at (608) 266-8005 for general inquiries.
Call our Help Desk at (608) 261-2028 for technical assistance.
Call us toll-free at 1-866-VOTE-WIS
E-mail us at or visit our G.A.B. Staff page for a directory.
Send us a fax at (608) 267-0500.
Send us a letter:
Wisconsin Government Accountability Board
P.O. Box 7984
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7984
Visit us in Madison:
Wisconsin Government Accountability Board
212 East Washington Avenue, Third Floor
Madison, Wisconsin 53703
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Constitution Revolution is Officially Endorsed by THE GROUP
The purpose of The Group is to assist communities by:
-Supporting and helping elect honest, fiscally responsible, constitutionally focused individuals.
-Making citizens aware of their rights and responsibilities and encouraging them to fulfill the same.
-Educating the public, enlisting their aid and assisting them with their issues of concern.
-Holding public officials responsible and accountable for actions deemed detrimental to the public good, based upon the intentions of the Constitution of the United States of America.
This is an important endorsement for the Revolution.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
We The People Lose
We're all fed up with being bombarded by political ads. But the real
danger of what is going on here is simple. The candidate receives their
Democratic or Republican endorsement. The candidate receives millions of dollars
in campaign funding from their party. Their party provides these funds from the
millions they collect in special interest money from corporate lobbies. The
candidate gets elected. The candidate goes to the State Capitol or DC and begins
to vote on legislation favorable to those donors ... REGARDLESS OF HOW THAT
This insane cycle goes on year after year, election after election. By now the
result is obvious, "We The People" lose. One of the only weapons we have to
fight back is the vote. The only way to stop the pain is to turn away the major
party corporate-sponsored candidates and elect people that will actually
represent us. What's happened to date has resulted in a shattered economy,
billions in tax dollars funding corrupt and failed corporations and
insurmountable debt. After working hard all your life do you want this to be the
legacy you leave your children and grandchildren? You have the power to stop
this. It won't happen over night but it needs to start now.
Rob Taylor, Wisconsin candidate for US Senate, is a man who represents a good
start for the State of Wisconsin. You won't be bombarded by his commercials
because he won't receive any special interest money. His only special interest
is you. He'll be on the ballot in November. The power to change is in your
Click Here to Watch and listen to the Anthem to the Constitution Revolution Video
Please, take our country back.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Time is Now For a Common Sense Coalition.
Common sense lead Rob Taylor to become the first candidate actively seeking the Wisconsin U.S. Senate Seat up for election on 2010, he began in spring of 2009. This was spurred on by the Extremist that currently occupy our Government and their blatant disregard for The Constitution and the liberty of everyday Americans. His campaign appropriately is called the Constitution Revolution that is based in common sense and the values our Founders intended America to have in perpetuity.
In this time of extremism a new tactic must be undertaken one that is bold and willing to shake the balance of power in the political and media realms. Rob Taylor is forming a new Coalition of Common Sense which will ask you to endorse him as your candidate for U.S. Senate whether you are Republican, Democrat, or Independent. Break the chains that lock our political system, Incumbency, special interests, personal gain, and begin the reform that is desperately needed.
Rob is asking local party groups to break with status quo and no longer support the establishment system. Send a message that a Constitution Revolution is needed and by cutting off the support to the Old Guard Republicans and Socialistic Democrats you will tell them we are finished with you.
Rob’s campaign wants to coordinate with local leaders to form a new coalition which will reform what is now a one party system with two factions. If you are a leader fed up with your constituents not being heard step into a new frontier and form this new coalition. End the willing suspension of disbelief because you have a candidate who agrees with you and will lead by example not with ambiguous promises.
If you the voter will no longer suspend your own disbelief and rely on common sense, value, and integrity, Rob Taylor will be your next U.S. Senator from Wisconsin. Ask yourself what do you stand for and while reading Rob’s plan of action simply try to find anything of substance in the other candidate’s campaign websites, literature, or commercials. All that is being spouted is ambiguous generalities. Are you willing to suspend your disbelief? Voting Republican or Democrat will only perpetuate the same system. Doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity. Don’t through your vote away reinstate your common sense disbelief in our current one party with the Socialist A team and Socialist B team now vying for your vote. They are not in favor of a Constitution Revolution because it means they are out of power and luck.
The next step will be to show total support for Rob to unmistakably send a message that he is the only Constitutional Conservative in the race for Senate. Deliver a message that Rob is not splitting the vote and he is the candidate with the majority of support. Rob intends to transcend the party divisions and give voters an opportunity to leave party behind and stand on principles and values to vote for him. Statesmen are now needed not politicians. Soon we will pick the best of the three candidates that will run for the U.S. Senate position and this will set the plan in motion. A common sense coalition no longer willing to suspend its disbelief will vote for Rob Taylor and solidifying a majority for the General Election and send shock waves through the political and media realms as unseen in history.
Common sense says that sending another Republican or Democrat will change nothing. George Bush and Nancy Pelosi engineered the first bailout, it failed, are you willing to suspend your disbelief again. President Obama’s hope and change promised a new direction from the previous administration (willing suspension of disbelief); well that is why you are now looking for someone like Rob Taylor.
The Tea party sprang up from common sense and Rob was there in very beginning speaking and campaigning at those events. Rob is now asking you to endorse and support him for U.S. Senate. It’s time for a coalition of common sense not the same party loyalties that gave us enormous debt, unending war, bailouts, Tarp, Czars, and Government health care. Don’t make the Scott Brown (willing suspension of disbelief) mistake again. Join a Common Sense Coalition to elect someone in line with your views. No more pretenders or elected officials who act like rulers and not servants. Will you suspend your own disbelief again to vote for a Republican?
Do you know that Rob Taylor has a plan which is detailed and has the experience of three terms as Cumberland City councilman? Will you join a coalition of common sense or willingly suspend your disbelief? Has any other candidate detailed any specifics if elected to office? Each of the other candidates does a good job a telling you what each of them has done wrong but will they vote to repeal Obamacare, Financial overhaul Bill, end federal income tax, remove Czars, drilling bans, the large bureaucracy, and the unconstitutional agencies that thrive in Washington D.C.
It’s time for the rule of law under a Constitution Revolution.
Remember that when elected officials act like rulers and not servants they become tyrants. Time for Rob Taylor’s Constitution Revolution and a new direction? Will it be common sense or the willing suspension of disbelief? It’s our time, it’s our destiny, join Rob.
Common sense lead to the founding of America and the Constitution in exactly a moment like this where a new tyranny is suppressing and denying Wisconsinites and all Americans their liberties. We must break with the current political system just as the Colonies broke with England. The Common Sense Coalition is the natural and logical step to implement this modern day Constitution Revolution.
Restore your rights, Restore you freedoms, and Restore your prosperity, join Rob in this common sense coalition that will usher in an American rebirth. What don’t you like about prosperity? The recipe is there it’s called The Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution Revolution is a common sense coalition and Rob Taylor is waiting to hear from you.
Monday, August 2, 2010
My Plan as Senator
1. Protecting the United States of America.
A. My first and forth most duty as a representative of the State of Wisconsin and its people is to ensure that our country and its citizens are protected from invasion by foreign and hostile forces. This includes the invasion of illegal immigrants, drug lords and the northern command of the Mexican revolutionaries. To accomplish this, I will use every means possible including writing and introducing a bill for Congress to direct the President of the United States to take 40,000 America troops from overseas stations and put 30,000 of them with full battle armament on the borders with the remaining 10,000 troops assisting ICE in removing illegal’s from this country.
*“Definition. For purposes of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), any person who is not a citizen or a national of the United States. There are different categories of aliens: resident and nonresident, immigrant and nonimmigrant, asylee and refugee, documented and undocumented (“illegal”).” Additionally, “According to the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), an alien is an individual who does not have U.S. citizenship and is not a U.S. national. The INA defines a national of the United States as one who, while not a citizen, owes permanent allegiance to the United States. One owes personal allegiance to the United States if that person has taken an oath of naturalization.” Cornell University Law School;
B. I will introduce a bill that will outlaw the so called anchor-baby tactic. Only babies born to the defined and legal citizens of the United States will be citizens.
C. Re-introduce and Enforce the USC Title 8, Section 237; Section 1324 and Section 1325, and Article IV Section IV of the Constitution which reads: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.”
D. I will ensure by any and all legal means that The Posse Comitatus Act is enforced. I will also introduce bills to ensure the Northern Command of the United States military, FEMA, and any other such agency of the Federal government are monitored to protect the rights of America citizens.
E. I will also ensure that the civil rights and 4th Amendment rights of ALL legal citizens are enforced.
F. I will also introduce bills and lobby for Congress to follow the instruction of the “Articles of Freedom” pertaining to:
· Remind the President by whatever means necessary of his mandated duty to take “Care” that the immigration “Laws be faithfully executed” as mandated in Article II Section 3 Paragraph 1 of the Constitution.
· Appoint an Investigative Committee for the purpose of determining whether the President has faithfully upheld the Constitution, in accordance with Article II, Section 3 Clause 5.
· If the President fails to fulfill said obligation cited above after the instructions from Congress, by default he has violated his Oath of Office as under Article II Section 1 Paragraph 8 of the Constitution and can be subject to impeachment proceedings and criminal or civil action.
· That they shall not enact any legislation that provides Social Services or any form of amnesty for illegal aliens.
G. To work with the State of Wisconsin and its people in education and recommendation of the civil actions defined within the Articles of Freedom.
H. I will introduce a bill that defines English as the Official Language of the United States and is the only language used in documents produced by the government.
2. Articles of Freedom.
Work to implement by any and all legal means, including introducing bills that according to the US Constitution and the findings in the Articles of Freedom of the Delegates of the several States in Continental Congress 2009 assembled to:
· Protest the misinterpretation of the General Welfare Clause by Congress that results in the tyranny of unjust taxes upon the People.
· Find the “general welfare” is neither “promoted” nor “provided for” when Congress exceeds the enumerated powers of the Constitution, and that the General Welfare Clause does not provide constitutional justification for:
o Mandated or government run health insurance, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid or any form of welfare payments to individuals; but those who were forced to contribute into any of these programs shall be reimbursed less any payments from those programs they may have received, and inflation to be accounted for in the calculations of amounts due;
o Mandatory vaccinations, mental health screenings, or collection of medical data of individuals;
o The violation of the right of individuals to decide which foods, substances, or medications they put into their bodies;
o Bailouts, grants, loans, investments or any other form of corporate welfare;
o The disguised regulation of private activity through subsidies;
o Grants to churches or other religious or charitable organizations for any purpose;
o Federal funding of education at any level;
o The coercion of States and municipalities to adopt national standards by threatening to withhold funds;
o The building of infrastructure, except as enumerated in the Constitution;
o Economic stimulus grants, loans or any other appropriations for State and local governments, except as enumerated in the Constitution;
o Any other federal law, statute or regulation that is not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
3. The Supreme Law of the Land
Introduce bills and all legal means as defined in Article I of the “Articles of Freedom” that:
The Constitution of the United States, as the Supreme Law of the Land, is based upon the Principles of Liberty stated in the Declaration of Independence. Therefore, the Oath or Affirmation taken by all government officials at every level to protect and defend the Constitution also binds them to support those principles in the Declaration of Independence.
· Therefore, no public official may lawfully take any action whatsoever that:
· results in the surrender, alienation or delegation of the sovereignty of the People of the United States
· by entangling alliances, special relationships, or through political or economic subservience, advances the interests of any other nation, international organization, supranational entity or private organization at the expense of the sovereignty of the United States.
· Any such action by a public official is a violation of that individual’s Oath or Affirmation of Office and is therefore treason against the Constitution for the United States of America. That Congress will enforce to the highest possible punishment as defined by law, including execution.
· Introduce bills to repeal all legislation for which it cannot show constitutional authority under the enumerated powers of Article I, Section 8.
4. Taxes
A. I will work to lobby and implement the FairTax. Information about the FairTax can be found at:
B. To reduce the money need to support the federal government I will introduce bills to eliminate or reduce the 12 Unconstitutional Federal departments, the many Unconstitutional agencies and Acts . A list of these can be found at:
C. Lobby to repeal the 16th amendment.
5. The Federal Reserve
A. I will work to ensure that the Federal Reserve is audited so that all the information on our money and banking system is divulged.
B. I will work to eliminate the Federal Reserve.
C. I will work to ensure our monetary system is based on the Gold and Silver standards.
D. I will work to ensure that all those responsible for creating the destruction of our financial system, the illegal printing of money and weakening the sovereignty of the United States face charges of treason, bribery, piracy and counterfeiting. All four of these crimes are mentioned in the Constitution that the federal government has the jurisdiction to prosecute.
6. Energy
A. I will work to ensure that all Americans have access to the energy that we need to prosper. This does not imply that we have free energy, but that we do what we can to have enough cheap energy for all to use.
B. I will work to reduce our dependency on foreign oil, to ensure that our drilling for oil and natural gas is as safe to the citizens and the environment as humanly possible. This includes opening up areas that have been off-limited by pass administrations and environmental groups.
C. I will work to repeal any and all Cap and Trade bills and Green-House Gas Treaties made by previous administrations. That all regulations on energy and environmental concerns are based on findings that are in line with American values and not that of the UN.
D. I will work to introduce bills that will allow for Nuclear energy and new refineries.
E. I will work to ensure that technology for wind, solar and any other energy related science is continued by research and market conception.
7. United Nations
A. I will work to introduce bills that the United States pull out as members of the United Nations.
B. I will work to lobby and introduce a bill that will get the UN building off American soil so that the American tax payer does not keep financing it’s maintenance, staff and any other requirement currently being funded by tax money.
C. I will work to repeal any agreement, treaties and rules made by previous administrations that restrict or reduces any freedoms and rights to Americans including, CAP & Trade, Guns, Environmental (LOST and agenda 21) and food.
D. I will work to ensure that our foreign policies are made for the purpose of preserving and improving America. Not benefiting the UN and the New World Order.
8. War, National Defense and Veterans
A. I will work to ensure that all future wars we fight will be defensive, clearly defined and constitutional.
B. I will work to ensure that our domestic liberties are protected with a strong security including missile and star-war defenses. That our military have the latest technology needed to defend this country.
C. I will work to ensure that the conflicts we are currently in, we will give our troops the support they need to win, to get the job done and to come home.
D. I will ensure that once home we will demand the finest care possible for our veterans. I will introduce bills that ensure that the only medical and entitlement programs the federal government provides are for our military personnel. The rest of the entitlement programs will be moved to the states.
9. Second Amendment.
In accordance with the Constitution of the United States and the Articles of Freedom I will work to:
A. Repeal all federal statutes regulating the ownership, use and transfer of firearms and ammunition;
B. Repeal any federal statutes which provide for the taxation or registration of firearms and ammunition;
C. Abolish the Department of Homeland Security and thereby return the responsibility for domestic security to the Militias of the Several States; the term militia, inherently separate from the State National Guard, means “Constitutional Defense Force,” comprising all citizenry capable of bearing arms, and under proper authority, in defense of themselves and each of the several States;
D. Make statutes providing for organizing, arming and disciplining the Militia and for governing such part of them as may be called to serve the United States and, reserve to the states all other powers relating to the Militia;
E. Encourage and support, and cease and desist from infringing upon, the duty of the People to revitalize the “well-regulated Militia of each of the Several States”.
10. Stop Shariah Law from being practiced in the United States.
I will work to introduce bills that prohibit the Shariah law from being injected and or replacing any law in any Federal courts within the United States. I will also work with the State of Wisconsin to ensure that the Shariah is not allowed to be practiced within its court system.
11. Bring the Politicians Home
I will work to introduce a bill named “Bring the Politicians Home” that allows for the relocation of US Representatives to our local districts and US Senators to our State Capitals. This will ensure a security upgrade on protection of our government representatives and ensure our Congress is accountable to the voters of their states or districts and not easy prey to lobbyist
12. The Rules of Due Process
I will work with the state of Wisconsin to ensure that “The rules of due process” are the People’s Power to control the machine we call government and get the redress for our grievances that millions died for!
The legal industry has hidden the rules of due process from you and from the rest of the public, so lawyers can charge exorbitant fees to do what any 8th grader should be able to do. Due process is your #1 right, because without it none of your other “rights” are enforceable in court! But! To enforce your rights you need to use the rules!
The Constitution mentions due process. It doesn’t begin to explain what due process is or how to use it to control courts … and thereby to control judges, lawyers, giant banks, high-minded government officials, or even angry neighbors! Can we Americans afford not to learn the rules? Due process is the power of the people to control their government by controlling the courts!
I believe it’s criminal for a government to refuse to teach its People how to use due process to enforce the People’s God-given rights! But, our leaders refuse to teach us the rules by which they control us! So I will work with the state and other educational units to get this education put into place. The citizens up until around the 1900’s knew Due Process and we should to.
There are many more actions that I will be listing out and in the coming days will address them here. But I do support the Articles of Freedom and will work to ensure their recommendations are carried out. I have also signed the pledge of Tax payers, the Rule of Law and many more to ensure our freedoms.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Why are we doing this to our vet's
My name is d'Lynn. I'm a disabled Vietnam vet. I don't look too bad for a beat-up old fart, do I? And that's my ride. She's looking pretty good looking also, especially when you consider that she'll turn twenty this summer. That's right, it's a 1990 with a 1990 sidecar. I can't ride a solo bike, ergo the sidecar rig. It's my sole means of transportation - rain or shine, snow or wind, and this summer also marks a milestone in both of our lives, as I will finally be able to pay her off. Twenty years old? What? Why did it take so long? You weren't paying attention, were you? It's right at the beginning of this paragraph. I am a disabled vet, which means I receive a veterans administration disability pension, which also means "I'm broke!" Just one step ahead of being homeless every month, and that's not an idle statement or an"Oh, whoa is me" dire complaint. There’s a point to this, so hang in there a minute or two and read on.
There's a 25-year-old illegal immigrant woman living in Florida , with eight kids. Yes, eight "anchor babies" and she receives just shy of $1,500 per month per kid, plus medical, plus food stamps. Oh, wait. I've been informed that I shouldn't call them Food Stamps anymore. That's not PC. It's all called “Social Assistance” now. You do the math on that yourself. I'd say that she was schooled early in how to make it in the system. Twenty-five years old, eight kids . . . yep, she started early. You can whip out the calculator if you want, but this women who never has paid a dime in taxes of any kind, (and still doesn't – she's 'illegal,' remember?) is here in this country illegally. She hasn’t paid one one cent in medical for all the “anchor babies,” makes more in one month, legally, than I receive in over a year and a half in disability payments and I can't even get food stamps! Oops, I mean “Social Assistance.”
Technically I am eligible for “Social Assistance.” I was told it would be a walk through – a gimme – being disabled. No problem, and in the very next breath I was also informed that under the law the amount I received in “Social Assistance” would be deducted from my disability pension.
Let's say I take a great photograph. It was just luck, a one of a kind accidental, in the right place at the right time shot. My local newspaper offers me fifty bucks to use the photo in a featured story. (I live in a small town and fifty bucks is all they could afford.) I have to report that fifty dollars to the VA as earned income, which will immediately be deducted from my next month’s disability check. If I don't report it I’m in violation of federal law and technically they can stop my disability pension and prosecute me under a federal felony. Pretty cool, eh? For fifty bucks. I see no point in dealing with two federal bureaucracies, so I don't bother. What's the point?
She's here illegally and with just one kid would make over twice what I receive per month. She has eight and she’s not a stand-out case. She’s not alone. That's the way the system works. Millions of illegal immigrants know this, know how the system works and know how to use it. (Haven't you seen the pamphlet? It's handed out all along our borders, "The Illegal Immigrants' Guide to Keeping America Just The Way It Is.") and that's just the way it works.
Did you know that the federal government provides a “refugee” in this country with a monthly “stipend” of $1,890, plus $580 a month in “Social Assistance?” That’s $2,470 a month, tax-free. That's two and a half times what I’m allowed to receive as a disabled vet. And just what did they do to earn this? All you have to do is show up on our collective doorstep, raise your right hand and swear that you're a refugee and, bingo, receive $30,000 a year, tax-free. That's more than someone making $15 an hour, and they have to pay taxes to boot!
Now, in defense of the Veterans Administration, they are doing what they can with what they've got. This is precious little compared to what they should have to get the job done. At least this country has a VA. It's the Senate that keeps passing laws, rules and guidelines, cutting their budget, denying requests for more staff and computer systems to handle the massive work flow. Their hands are tied by the very government that's supposed to give them what they need to get the job done, by the government you voted into office. Don't scream at the VA. I have. It's mis-guided anger.
The point to this “story?” Just why are you paying such high taxes to support this incredibly screwed-up government? Why? And I’m not proposing you stop paying your taxes. That's wrong. There are good programs and reasons to pay your taxes and support our government. What am I proposing? It's quite simple. Vote. The government, our government, is broken and we as the voters serve as the mainten-ance crew. We fix it . . ... . . by voting.
If your state Senator has been in office more then two terms, vote 'em out at the next election. If your state representative has been in office more then two terms, vote 'em out of office. We put term limits on just about every publicly-elected of-ficial in the country except the House and Senate. Why? Believe me, they know this and love it! Ahhh - the power!
I don't care how much you believe your Senator or Representative is doing a good job. They're not! Look at the government you have, that we have. How can you state they are doing what you want as the voter that put them there? How? Vote them out of office. Do it.
Change the course of this country's history by what you are granted and guaranteed under the law. Vote! And if you have the guts, the anger, the outrage, start a peti-tion in your state for a state-wide initiative to be placed on your next state ballot. Limiting the terms of office for your state senators and state representatives to your federal government to two terms. The federal government will never pass such a law, but you can. You can get it done. You can force it. You can make it a law.
This is the first step in “getting it right.” Just vote. It's simple. It's easy, dammit!
This first step will send a very clear message. It’ll work. It’ill put “us” back in control of “them.” As it should be. As it was intended in the first place.
Are you an American? Born and raised? Then vote!
Side note: I sent this e-mail to a little over one hundred on my e-mail list. If you believe I’m wrong or misguided or you simply don't agree, that's fine. Go right ahead a delete this e-mail. No problem. Sorry to have bothered you. But if you think I just might have a worthwhile idea, something we can easily accomplish, something that could be a small part at getting this country back under “our” control, then please pass this along.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Yard Signs
Go to: The Rob Taylor for Senate Store
We also have shirts and other items to show your support to take back our country.
Press Release - We Made the WI Ballot
July 13, 2010
Contact: Mark Gabriel / CPoW Public Relations / (920) 570-1679
US Senate Candidate Rob Taylor Qualifies For State Ballot
Madison, WI (July, 13, 2010) — Independent and Constitution Party candidate for US Senate, Robert (Rob) Taylor, has qualified for ballot access for the November General Election. Mr. Taylor was the first US Senate candidate to submit the required number of signatures to get his name on the ballot and he was the first to be recognized for the ballot by the Government Accountability Board. The Board recognized 2870 valid signatures, well over the 2000 minimum required. Mr. Taylor stated,
“Thanks to a great team of volunteers, we accomplished the huge task of collecting nearly 3000 signatures from all across the state. Voters were happy to see me get on the ballot, because they are sick of politics as usual with the Democrats and Republicans. Both parties are big spenders in Washington and both parties have contributed to the massive growth and unconstitutional over reach of the federal government. The true Tea Party movement is not pro-Republican, but anti-incumbent and pro-constitution.”
US Senate candidate, Rob Taylor, went on to say,
"As God has blessed the State of Wisconsin in so many ways, so too The Taylor for Senate campaign has needed His help and favor. We feel blessed because we have not needed to go on fund raising missions; instead the mission has been the message. Every time the campaign needed something; the money has shown up, just enough to accomplish the mission, but not enough to require reporting. But as you know, with God, all things are possible. Right now people are tired of the million dollar war chest, they don't believe that you need to have that much to run a successful campaign and they are definitely tired of the country club environment of the US Senate.”
To see Rob Taylor’s “Plan as Senator,” go to:
About Rob Taylor for US Senate
Cumberland, Wisconsin City Councilman, Rob Taylor is running for the US Senate seat in Wisconsin for the 2010 elections. He favors a policy of no federal restrictions on law abiding citizens as pertains to the Second Amendment. More information can be obtained at his website and facebook fan page:
Monday, June 28, 2010
I am electable, and I can win. Needs your help to gain ballot access!!
Is Rob Taylor electable? Yes I am! Is he constitutional? You bet I am!
This question is one that appears in many circles and is the concern of
many groups and voters. So let’s cut to the heart the matter. Let’s
look first at what we have been given in the past. For many years we have
not had a US Senator who can or would follow the basic tenets of the
Constitution. In fact, we haven’t had too many from either party who have
provided us with any real assurances they will follow the Constitution. One only has to
look at the voting records and the bills that have come from Congress to see
that. This country needs leaders who will defend and support the
Constitution. We need statesmen and leaders.
I am one of those leaders. First I am an average, middle class working
man. My responsibility has been to provide for my family and my
community. I have put my career as a software engineer on hold to pursue
this path. I am not in this for power, fame, or a career. Second, as a
leader in my community, I am a three (3) term elected city councilman in Cumberland, WI
with a record of voting on issues to help my fellow citizens to make sure the
city is spending the people money wisely and to provide a fair and
balance between the government, the business community and the people. Not
an easy tasks. I have been in this race since March of 2009, which makes
me the longest running candidate of them all, even liberal Democrat incumbent Russ Feingold.
I am electable, and I can win. I know the people of Wisconsin are ready
for a leader who will follow the Constitution, a leader that will push
for the state of Wisconsin to have authority and freedom from the federal government according to
Article 1: Section 8 and the Tenth Amendment,
a leader that will not just say cut taxes but who will actually get in there and
eliminate wasteful and unconstitutional programs and federal departments.
But I am only electable if I can get on the ballot. That is why I need
your help, Wisconsin needs your help and the country needs your help. We
need signatures and I can cover only so much space within the time frame
required, just a couple weeks now. So please, get the petition sheet from my web site, which you can
also find on the home page of, print it
off and send me two sheets (20 signatures), yourself and your family, friends, neighbors. If you
can get ten signatures or one sheet, whatever you can do is appreciated Send it to me at
Rob Taylor
P.O. Box 917
Cumberland, WI 54829
For the survival of the Republic and the success of the Constitution Party and it's message,
Robert Taylor
Napolitano has it right.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Rules of Due Process
I will work with the state of Wisconsin to ensure that “The rules of due process” are the People’s Power to control the machine we call government and get the redress for our grievances that millions died for!
The legal industry has hidden the rules of due process from you and from the rest of the public, so lawyers can charge exorbitant fees to do what any 8th grader should be able to do. Due process is your #1 right, because without it none of your other “rights” are enforceable in court! But! To enforce your rights you need to use the rules!
The Constitution mentions due process. It doesn’t begin to explain what due process is or how to use it to control courts … and thereby to control judges, lawyers, giant banks, high-minded government officials, or even angry neighbors! Can we Americans afford not to learn the rules? Due process is the power of the people to control their government by controlling the courts!
I believe it’s criminal for a government to refuse to teach its People how to use due process to enforce the People’s God-given rights! But, our leaders refuse to teach us the rules by which they control us! So I will work with the state and other educational units to get this education put into place. The citizens up until around the 1900’s knew Due Process and we should to.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
New ICE rules for illegal alien detainees
ICE and the private prison company Corrections Corporation of America have agreed to make more than 24 changes at nine facilities. The changes include:
• Relaxing security: Low-risk detainees will have "freedom of movement" in the facilities and will no longer be subject to lock downs or lights out.
• Access: Detainees will be able to have visitors stay as long as they like within a 12-hour window. The facilities will increase attorney visitation space, add un-monitored phone lines and give detainees email and free, Internet-based calling. A unit manager will be available to take complaints directly from detainees.
• Daily life: Detainees will be allowed to wear regular clothing, will have at least four hours of recreation daily, and will be offered cooking, art and dance classes.
Source: ICE
Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials are preparing to roll out a series of changes at several privately owned immigration detention centers, including relaxing some security measures for low-risk detainees and offering art classes, bingo and continental breakfast on the weekends.
The changes, detailed in an internal ICE e-mail obtained by the Houston Chronicle, were welcomed by immigrant advocates who have been waiting for the Obama administration to deliver on a promise made in August to overhaul the nation's immigration detention system.
The more than 24 changes identified in the e-mail range from the superficial to the substantive. In addition to "softening the look of the facility" with hanging plants and offering fresh carrot sticks, ICE will allow for the "free movement" of low-risk detainees, expand visiting hours and provide unmonitored phone lines.
ICE officials said the changes are part of broader efforts to make the immigration detention system less penal and more humane.
Union objects
But the plans are prompting protests by ICE's union leaders, who say they will jeopardize the safety of agents, guards and detainees and increase the bottom line for taxpayers. Tre Rebstock, president for Local 3332, the ICE union in Houston, likened the changes to creating "an all-inclusive resort" for immigration detainees.
"Our biggest concern is that someone is going to get hurt," he said, taking particular issue with plans to relax restrictions on the movement of low-risk detainees and efforts to reduce and eliminate pat-down searches.
The changes outlined in the ICE e-mail are planned for nine detention centers owned and operated by Corrections Corporation of America, including the 900-bed Houston Contract Detention Facility on the city's north side. Some of the changes will be implemented within 30 days, while others may take up to six months, said Beth Gibson, ICE's senior counselor to Assistant Secretary John Morton and a leader of the detention reform effort.
Some of the other major changes include:
• • Eliminating lockdowns and lights-out for low-risk detainees.
• • Allowing visitors to stay as long as they like in a 12-hour period.
• • Providing a unit manger so detainees have someone to report problems to other than the guard.
• • Allowing low-risk detainees to wear their own clothing or other non-penal attire.
• • Providing e-mail access and Internet-based free phone service.
'It's about deportation'
Gibson said the improvements are part of ICE's efforts to detain immigrants in the least restrictive manner possible while ensuring they leave the country if ordered to do so.
"When people come to our custody, we're detaining them to effect their removal," Gibson said. "It's about deportation. It's not about punishing people for a crime they committed."
ICE officials have faced pressure from immigrant advocates and some members of Congress to improve the detention conditions for the roughly 400,000 immigrants it houses annually. The agency has relied on a hodgepodge of more than 250 government-run detention centers, private prisons and local jails to accommodate its growing population — with roughly one in four detainees held in Texas.
At the CCA facilities that have agreed to ICE's changes, detainees will see more variety in their dining hall menus and have self-serve beverage and fresh vegetable bars.
CCA also plans to offer movie nights, bingo, arts and crafts, dance and cooking classes, tutoring and computer training, the e-mail states.
Detainees also will be allowed four hours or more of recreation "in a natural setting, allowing for robust aerobic exercise."
CCA also committed to improving the look of the facilities, such as requiring plants, fresh paint and new bedding in lower-risk units.
Advocates pleased
Some of the improvements offered at the CCA facilities counted as hard-fought victories for immigrant advocates, including plans to improve visitor and attorney access.
"A lot of these measures are what we've been advocating for," said Lory Rosenberg, policy and advocacy director for Refugee and Migrants' Rights for Amnesty International. "Many of these points are very important to changing the system from a penal system, which is inappropriate in an immigration context, to a civil detention system."
Union members said they have concerns about the plans, primarily focusing on safety.
Rebstocksaid some detainees may be classified as low-risk because they have no serious criminal history, but still may be gang members that "haven't been caught doing anything wrong yet."
He also said eliminating lock downs will make it more difficult to protect detainees from one another. He said reducing or eliminating pat-down searches could allow contraband into the facilities, including weapons.
Gibson, with ICE, said the agency is developing a sophisticated classification system and will make sure "that our detainees are still safe and sound."
"As a general matter, it will be the non-criminals who don't present a danger to anyone else who are benefitting from the lowest level of custody," Gibson said.
Cost to taxpayers
Rebstock also questioned the cost to taxpayers for the changes.
"My grandparents would have loved to have bingo night and a dance class at the retirement home they were in when they passed away, but that was something we would have had to pay for," he said. "And yet these guys are getting it on the taxpayers' dime."
Gibson said CCA is making the improvements at no additional cost to ICE. The agency's latest contract with CCA for the Houston detention center requires that ICE pay $99 per bed daily for each detainee, which is slightly lower than the $102 average daily rate ICE pays nationally for contract detention facilities.
Rosenberg said some of the changes, like new flower baskets, may seem small, but they will combine with the bigger changes to make a difference in the daily lives of detainees.
"Taken together they will go some way to making this system less penal," she said.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Support Rob Taylor for US Senate store now open
Now you can show your support and order buttons, bummer stickers, T-shirts and even coffee mugs. All proceeds go to the Support Rob Taylor for US Senate campaign.
Visit the Rob Taylor for US Senate store today!!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Articles of Freedom
Articles of Freedom
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I retract my support of the WI Raw Milk Bill (SB 434)
It is time for the people of Wisconsin to have the right to raw milk, honey and other food that they deem healthy. Most of you know I show up at the raw milk rallies, often speaking to the crowds and supporting people such as Max Kane in his fight to produce and sell raw milk.
I ask that people will forgive me of this oversight and I hope I can convince people that a mistake was made, that I am sorry about it, and I will move forward in getting it done right. What Wisconsin needs in its state constitution is what Minnesota has in its constitution pertaining to the sale and production of raw milk.”
The language in the bill requires a Grade A license in order to sell raw milk. In order to obtain this or any other license from the Department of Ag Trade and Consumer Protection you must comply with all other provisions of administrative code. The code mandates NAIS. Farmers will have to choose to if they want the dairy license, and if so then they need to register their premises. This another move towards the Codex Alimentarius movement carried out by the USDA in approval of the WHO, and we have to stop it here.
Again, he says, " I am truly sorry for this mistake, and will show that I am indeed a supporter of the raw milk farmers and consumers."
The hearing is schedule as follows:
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Chippewa Valley Technical College Room 106/Auditorium 620 West Clairemont Ave Eau Claire, WI 54701
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Rob Taylor Mourns the Loss of a Great Wisconsin Institution, The Wisconsin Media.
Rob Taylor’s Campaign has noticed that a great institution the Wisconsin Media has been censoring its reporting of the current political news in Wisconsin. The choice has been made to cover only Republicans and Democrats in the upcoming 2010 election cycle. It seems the Wisconsin Media has missed an entire group of independent candidates seeking office at Federal, State, and local level leaving Wisconsinites in the dark as to true diversity of choice that they have in the election process.
The major news outlets have become slanted and biased toward liberal and progressive candidates touting them as mainstream and portraying in a positive light without vetting them as in the past. The selection of a narrow breadth of candidates limits choice and promotes corruption. The natural process of elimination, refinement, and reform stagnates and withers in this state. This does not serve the citizens of Wisconsin well nor does it lend credibility to these once great institutions when an entire slate of Independent Candidates is seeking office and is historically ignored until a week before the elections. Some of those candidates for Federal and State office are:
• Rob Taylor – United States Senate
• Mike Krsiean – 3rd Congressional District, U.S.
• Daniel Mielke – 7th Congressional District, U.S.
• Tim Nerenz - 2nd Congressional District, U.S.
• Samantha Carter – 4th Congressional District, U.S.
• Joe Stern – 8th Congressional District, U.S.
• James James – Governor Wisconsin
The Media’s long-established function in politics has been to bring into view the entire gambit of candidates seeking public office and present them for the public scrutiny. This vital role allows the vetting process to take place in an unprejudiced way which is critical for an informed electorate and ethically functioning Government to exist. This condition results only when an impartial media brings forth the facts for all to see. Taylor challenges the mainstream media to conduct an interview, print a biography, or cover an event in a more timely fashion and spur on the debate that will follow. The healing of our lands from greed and corruption will then begin when all are brought into the light.
Many Wisconsin Mainstream Media outlets have seen their ratings, subscriptions, and listeners decline in the past decade, why, because they have become opinion oriented and moved away from factual unbiased reporting. Taylor’s campaign notes that the First Amendment guarantees a free press and free speech but it must be tempered with responsible and ethical conduct in order to maintain that independent freedom to report news and events in Wisconsin. Unfortunately as the media has gravitated away from factual investigative reporting and into a talking points spin cycle, it has become the mouth piece for the Republican and Democratic parties. Many internet and cable news sites have taken the place of our once proud media outlets and now take up the torch of the free press instead. Covering the issues of all candidates will reconnect the mainstream Wisconsin Media to the mainstream Wisconsin voter that exists outside the Madison beltway. Stop the hemorrhaging. Taylor’s campaign challenges the media to undertake this small step and find your listeners, subscribers, viewers, and market share again. Will you regain trust and prestige in the eyes of the public?
Taylor’s campaign has therefore reiterates this challenge to the Wisconsin Media, give Wisconsin the complete picture, restore your greatness with unbiased and factual reporting, and perform the media’s time-honored role as the guardian of the First Amendment. Will you accept the challenge or will we mourn your loss into the pages of history? We await your response.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
My letter to Glenn Beck
I am Rob Taylor, and I am the Constitution Party candidate for the US
Senate seat here in Wisconsin. I have written you many times and I
realize that thousands of others do the same. So I understand why you
don't acknowledge my letters.
I have been promoting the "Bring The Politicians Home" platform now for
over the last several months.
This is my ad on my website (
I was telling my wife the other night watching the SOTU, "Do you realize
if something happens right now to that building, we would be out of a
government." When she heard the audio, her reply was,"That's what you
So I guess we think the same.
Thank you for the audio, it speaks volumes of the wrong doings on how our
country is run. The representatives do need to be among the people.
Being a representative is not a career nor a full time job. That is not
what our founders intended. Think how much money would be saved, and being
I am against the Federal Income Tax, this goes along with my stand on that
Glenn, I am not asking for promotion of my campaign. But what I am asking
is what or how can I get you and the other media organizations to see
that there is more than the two big ticket parties. That there are
patriots out here, willing to rick it all to save this country.
We, my campaign, on Thursday January 28th launched the second phase of our
campaign. We call it the "Constitution Revolution". Our message will be
to teach the people of Wisconsin about the Constitution. To teach that it
is not self enforcing or self defending. That we the American people have
to do that. We will demonstrate that the law was written for the people,
not politicians and their special interest friends.
And we will be promoting the one true means outside of revolt to
accomplish this, and that is in a court of law.
We plan on teaching people that at one time the average American citizen
knew and was taught in school the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and
the basic language of law to defend those rights. The law was written so
that the average person could understand it. But the legal and political
systems have taken that away from us, We The People.
My campaign plan on being leaders here and not just talking the talk. We
will be filing suits against our so call representatives that are
participating in Unconstitutional activities. And this includes stopping
Unconstitutional Bills that are being debated. The lists are many. And
you know that.
We will be going after certain representatives and the people who vetted
them who have committed crimes against the state.
I am not sure what you might define this as, but in my book it is called
We the People will take back our country, and we will do it the right and
legal way.
Thank you for listening.
God Bless The United States of America;
Rob Taylor
Constitution Party Candidate
US Senate - WI
Defend the Constitution of the Untied States of America, from all enemies ...
Foreign AND Domestic!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Comments on te Bonfire Tea Party
As for the whos who, who spoke. Both GOP candidates were big Neo's. I asked Dave Westlake what he thought of Ron Paul and he dodged. As for the handouts (anti-war) it went ok. About 70/30 of take to non-takers. Many were receptive. I added the Ron Paul Christian Just War video on there so hopefully they'll check that out. There must have been about 2000-3000 there. I can't implore people enough to go to every Tea Party. People are at least somewhat receptive, and if we don't get involved the Neo's will definitely co-opt them for sure. The other GOP candidate was a buffoon (He called himself an economist), and all he talked about was how we need confidence, and everything will be all better.
I must say though, I was impressed with Rob Taylor. The Constitution Party candidate. He only briefly mentioned God, but he was damn fiery and his message was awesome (90% agreement). I laughed though when he said we need to repeal the 16th Amendment and abolish the IRS and the crowd went dead silent. I was the only one who shouted. He also brought up non-interventionism, ending the Federal Reserve, the NWO, etc. He got a very good reception, much better than the other two Neo's combined. I also found it awesome when he talked about booting the UN off US soil and us getting out that the crowd uproared. Good stuff. Not sure if they'll vote CP, but the LP candidate wasn't there (not sure if there is one running), but I would be happy with him winning thats for sure. GL with that though....
Sunday, January 10, 2010
My first forum
The Rock River Patriots had their first series of conservative candidate forums January 8th. Two of the candidates running against Russ Feingold attended the forum. Dave Westlake (Republican) and Rob Taylor (Constitution Party).
Each candidate was allowed an opening statement around 5 minutes long explaining their philosophy. Then each candidate were asked questions with a 3-5 minute time limit for their answer. The questions were not available in advance.
The weather outside this evening was bitter and sub zero, but over 60 brave men and women packed the room to listen, question, and take to task the men who aspire to the United States Senate. After the brief introductions, the moderator began firing out questions. Among the audience were quite a few seasoned patriots.
Many topics were addressed with questions covering Real ID, Taxes, The USA Patriot Act, Terrorism, The Federal Reserve, The United Nations, The Second Amendment, and the eligibility of Barak Hussein Obama to be the Commander in Chief.
The Republican candidate, Dave Westlake, was not well prepared for most of the hard hitting constitutional issues, constantly making notes, twitching in the hot seat, while trying to soft sell most of his Neo-Con Republicrat answers. While on the other hand, the Constitution Party candidate, Rob Taylor, whom traveled a long distance to field questions in Westlake's backyard, quickly eroded the home field advantage by being stoic,and true in his answers. We the people are starting to see the light, that more of the same old same old will not be acceptable in this upcoming Senate race. The crowd approval of the concepts of a smaller, constitutionally restricted government, resonated loud and clear.
Mr. Taylor showed his commitment is solid and serious in this campaign. His views of no federal income tax, ending the Federal Reserve, an unrestricted Second Amendment, states rights, bringing our troops home now, and zero tolerance on illegal immigration were definitely the will of the majority in attendance.
Mr. Westlake was outclassed tonight by a true American Patriot. The people are waking from their slumber only to find that their country is gone and the road to restore the Republic is narrow, straight and true. This 2010 election will prove to be the deciding factor in the future of our great nation. If the people of Wisconsin rally for truth and liberty, rejecting the Republicrat agenda, the United States will have a third party in Washington.
CPOW folks: Last night in the very fridged weather at Jefferson WI public Forum for candidates Rob Taylor our candidate for US Senate did well VS his Repulican opponent Mr. Westlake. Both candidates are new to the Statewide race. Although both candidates are conservatives, Rob Taylor came off as better even though this was not a debate officially. Rob stuck to his guns on Constitutional answers and quoted chapter and verse as needed. However this audience was very Constitutionally minded so no smoke and mirror answers would have worked. Both caught some "friendly fire" from the audience which is good. The moderator had tough topics prepared and the event was well timed and moved along, no bunny trails. Be assured Rob Taylor made new friends from the Rock River Patriots group who hosted the event. About 40 attended due to bad weather down here and the usual--apathy. But all in all Rob did well and was respected by the very constitutional-minded audience.
I saw 5 CPOW board members there. Good turnout in terrible weather. Thanks Rob for driving 4.5 hours to attend, God will bless your moxie. Bob Bellard, 2nd district CPOW
Not speaking as a Rock River Patriot because, as a group, we do not endorse candidates.
Having said that. I personally completely agree with this assessment.
I am going to let everyone I know, know about Rob. His beliefs are mine. On a few issues Dave was Ok, on to many he just didn't get it.
Nothing will change with Dave in office. The same would would happen simply at a slower pace.