Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Why I should vote for Rob

Hi I am Rob Taylor and I am running for the US Senate seat here in Wisconsin here to answer the question that is on every one’s mind and that is “Why should I vote for you"?

First let me start by saying that the reason I started running in the first place was because I saw no one there to represent and help the middle and working class people. Someone who could help secure our borders to protect the country, lessen the tax situation, help get our jobs back and protect our young neighbors from going off to unconstitutional war and to prevent the takeover by the UN.

I am a middle class working guy that knows what it is like to fear about our jobs, health insurance, mortgage, sending our kids to school and or off to war. In short like most of you. I felt my 36 years in the business world and my three terms as an Alderman gave me the experience needed to help solve our problems.

It is time we had representation in Washington that reflects issues and concerns of the people.

In looking over my opponents I am glad I am in the race.

Second, I developed a plan early on in the campaign that not only spells what the issues are but how they can be solved. This plan covers twelve different calls to action on what I plan to execute when I am elected to the Office of U.S. Senate representing the State of Wisconsin. Some items of this plan will be put into place immediately; some will take time to implement. As bills do not happen overnight (at least if they are read), but at least I see this as a track to what I believe is the right direction for our country.
The plan is detailed as I have but effort, research and though into the solutions. Let me briefly share three points with you.

1. My first and foremost duty as a Senator is to ensure that our country and its citizens are protected. I will introduce a bill for Congress to direct the President of the United States to take 40,000 America troops from overseas stations and put 30,000 of them with full battle armament on the borders with the remaining 10,000 troops assisting ICE in removing illegal’s from this country. I will also work to eliminate the anchor-baby tactic and make English the language of the U.S.

2. My second priority is to secure our financial and economic situation. The three biggest problem areas I see in this picture is our income tax code, our trade agreements and the Federal Reserve. I will introduce bills to replace our tax system with one that closely resembles the Fair Tax plan. By replacing our current tax system our citizens can keep more money in their pockets, thus buying more American products. This will allow businesses to grow and creating more jobs.

I will works on bills to get us out of the unfair free trade agreements like NAFTA and GATT and get us out the WTO.

I will work to introduce bills that get illegal immigrates out of the country and out of our job market.

I will work on bills that will get the government out of the price and salary setting policy.

This is how the Senate can create jobs. No empty rhetoric.

3. I will introduce a bill that will allow for the members in Congress to be more accountable to their people and not the lobbyist in D.C. B
Ring the Politicians Home will relocate Congress to their states, and allow for only 25% of the time to be in Washington. We can do this without a Constitutional Amendment.

I have really enjoyed getting out and meeting the people in Wisconsin. I know that I can represent them with the chains of the Constitution binding me. Whatever the outcome of today I know in my heart I was running for the right reason and that I was out there. Doing something!!

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of Yahweh, I will do." - Edward Everett Hale

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