Monday, June 29, 2009

With the passage of the Cap & Trade legislation this weekend Congress has once again shown that no amount of calls, letters or emails will dissuade them from doing whatever they want regardless of what WE want. Every year there are people out there advocating trying to work with Congress by writing letters, emails and making phone calls and once again they have been slapped in the face. In addition, there are others out there advocating working within the system to try to vote in Republicans next year in an attempt to take back control of Congress. Do you realize that this bill, the bailouts, and other recent bills were passed with the help of some Republicans?

WAKE UP AMERICA!Enough is enough. We tried it their way time and time again and it isn’t working. People hear the same old tired speeches about voting in Republicans every year and not only is it getting old but people don’t believe it will make any difference. In addition, most people believe that all Career Politicians are corrupt no matter what party they’re from and that is why less and less people are voting every year.“Wait a minute, wasn’t there record voter turn out last year?” Yes and that was because people actually thought they were voting in someone that would change Washington DC. What they didn’t understand is that they were looking in the wrong place as Presidents come and go but the Career Politicians in Washington DC are there for decades.

Let’s stop banging our heads against a wall and join together to do something that will actually work. Something so simple and easy that anyone can take part and their vote will actually matter. Something that can unite us ALL under one cause. It’s time to send these Career Politicians a message even they can understand…YOU’RE FIRED!

Join the National Vote of No Confidence Movement ( and help us fire these Career Politicians (Incumbents) starting in the 2010 election.At the same time we can put up some good quality Independent candidates to take these offices from the Incumbents. As an added benefit, since these Independent candidates have no allegiance to a party, they will do what their constituents want rather than what their party or special interest groups tell them to do.

Some naysayers are commenting that this will never work, however, think about who is saying that and why. The two parties are in power because WE support them with our money and our votes. Without us they cease to exist so they will be the first ones to try to dissuade you because they have a vested interest in keeping a movement like this from succeeding. They will use lines like, “You’re wasting your vote” or “You are taking away votes from the party so the other side will win”. These are ridiculous statements and only meant to promote confusion and doubt in any effort other than theirs.

If you recall, Ross Perot would have won the Presidency as an Independent if he hadn’t backed out. In addition, the number of people registering as Independents is growing exponentially because people on both sides are fed up with the two party systems.

On a side note, some people are advocating forming ANOTHER political party when there is absolutely no need. Everyone can register as an Independent regardless of their political tendencies (Constitution, green party, libertarian, etc.)

Listen, we all have jobs, families and lives so don’t waste what little free time and energy you have on other efforts, join us and help us bring REAL change to Washington DC with a Vote of No Confidence in Congress. "

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