Thursday, December 24, 2009

I apoligize for not getting my blog up to date. There has been so much going on. The more research I do, the more I find. I am so mad for not gettting involved sooner.

I am writing now in the as the Barron County Conservative Examiner. You can find me at

I promise I will update us more.

Have A Merry Christmas

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bring Home the Politicians

A new campaign we are working with

Get the details

Monday, October 12, 2009

I believe that underlying all of the political agendas that are being hurled at the American people today The stimulus, the bail-outs, Health Care, Cap and Trade, Cyber security, Illegal Immigration, the betrayal of our national sovereignty, military readiness, and the ongoing evidence that our representatives are trying to grab more power and control than ever before in history has to do with the corruption of our understanding of freedom.

This corruption leads to the abandonment of respect for law and individual responsibility, the twin pillars which ought to secure true freedom.

Being a people of true freedom, our way of life depends upon certain moral ideas in dealing with issues of public policy. Those ideas have been abandoned for a long time and have been abandoned for the quest of power, not what is right for the country, but right for the parties.

We have a somewhat small document that contains the job descriptions for our representatives to run the country. That document is the US Constitution. I am running on the Constitution Party platform for the US Senate seat in Wisconsin in the 2010 race because I believe that principles over party matter more now in our history than ever before. The voters need to take a look at the alternatives and make the decision to get the country back to the basics of this document.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Summer and Fall events

Wow, the campaign has not only come to life but has grown legs and starting to march forward. It’s been since I last posted back on July 28th that now I have time to catch everyone up. All the event has been captured on the events page in my web site. It has been fun and exciting to campaign all over the State and meet up with some really great people who are supportive in the efforts. Fall is not showing any signs of slowing down. Open Carry rally in Hudson 17th, Teat party in Barron C. 24th, We the people rally in Cumberland on the 31th of Oct. We plan on having a Halloween theme.
I just booked a room at the new library here In Cumberland to show to 40 or so people the file “33 Minutes”. It’s about our missile defense. Anyone interested in seeing this great movie please let me know.
I hope to get back sooner next time.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Radio Blogcaast Co-Hosting

Sorry I suffer from fat finger.

corrected post

I was asked to co-host a radio blogcast over the weekend. Many people ask me to share it. At their request here it is.

Just click on the link and look for the Co-Host Rob Taylor part.

Understand Our Times

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



by Rob Taylor - Constitution Party of WI Candidate for US Senate

Does anyone have any memory of why the Department of Energy (DOE) was established? Come on, think hard. OK, not many people do. We the taxpayers of America have spend several hundred billions of dollars in support of an agency that no one can truly remember what it was created for.

The DOE was instituted on August 4th, 1977 to lessen the dependence on foreign oil. Yes you read it right, to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. Thirty one years later the budget for this necessary department is at $24.2 billion a year. It has over 16,000 federal employees with 100,000 plus contract employees.

Let’s take a look at what we have gotten for our money over these years, shall we. Along with the current administration and Congress, the DOE has become the major focus point and strong arm of the environmentalist movement. The department has also spearheaded the most outrageous energy bill and policy ever known to the American public. The Energy Tax Bill of 2009 or better known as the Cap and Trade bill which is designed to cut carbon emissions but in fact will do more harm than good.

This bill will raise gas prices by not allowing us to drill for oil which right now is the best and second cheapest source of energy. By not allowing us to drill for oil off our shores or extract oil shale from the Rockies, we will become more and more depended on foreign sources.

Will OPEC keep prices down? I hardly think so. We will see the rise of

$4 to $6 or higher gas prices at the pump by the end of 2009. And this is if the Middle-East is stable. At this point all bets are off as to what might happen. If we cannot be reliant on our own energy, how will it affect us? We have to get to work, we need oil and gas to cook, be able to bathe and to keep warm. It is estimated that the bill would raise the cost of living of a typical household by $1,600 to $4,000 a year. This bill would also give us a regressive tax directed at the poor and middle income. I find this—as do many others—a clear violation of our civil rights. This bill will cause poor families to lose their homes, it will make life tougher for families who’ve worked and struggled to join the middle class.

Our jobs are depended on energy; most of the companies use energy to build the products or provide the services that keeps us employed. This bill would impose a costly policy that would penalize Americans with little effect on global warming. The bill would give us job losses of

1.2 million to 2.3 million by 2015. Some of these jobs will be lost for good, due to the impact of higher energy costs on economic activity. The American economy could experience a substantial outsourcing of manufacturing jobs to those nations with lower energy costs. This is huge reason along with high government regulations that companies are moving to China and other foreign countries.

Cap and trade, in other words, is a scheme to redistribute income and wealth -- but in a very curious way. It takes from the working class and gives to the affluent; takes from Miami, Ohio, and gives to Miami, Florida; and takes from an industrial America that is already struggling and gives to rich Silicon Valley and Wall Street "green tech" investors who know how to leverage the political class. Our jobs and way of life are being traded away so that some elite groups that don’t even know how to hunt, fish or even camp can say they have a “Green America”. They want the land, they want the power, they want what is yours…and they are getting it.

They will use C&T to regulate how much energy you can use, how much you can drive, what you drive, where you can work, how warm you home will be. In clear order, the government will tell you what to do, all the while the elite and a select political few can use all the energy they want by just trading carbon offsets (In words of the common person, that’s “phony money” or “contracts”). I believe that is called socialism and I am going to do all I can to fight it. You must join me and other energy-rights patriots in the battle for our energy freedom.

Monday, June 29, 2009

With the passage of the Cap & Trade legislation this weekend Congress has once again shown that no amount of calls, letters or emails will dissuade them from doing whatever they want regardless of what WE want. Every year there are people out there advocating trying to work with Congress by writing letters, emails and making phone calls and once again they have been slapped in the face. In addition, there are others out there advocating working within the system to try to vote in Republicans next year in an attempt to take back control of Congress. Do you realize that this bill, the bailouts, and other recent bills were passed with the help of some Republicans?

WAKE UP AMERICA!Enough is enough. We tried it their way time and time again and it isn’t working. People hear the same old tired speeches about voting in Republicans every year and not only is it getting old but people don’t believe it will make any difference. In addition, most people believe that all Career Politicians are corrupt no matter what party they’re from and that is why less and less people are voting every year.“Wait a minute, wasn’t there record voter turn out last year?” Yes and that was because people actually thought they were voting in someone that would change Washington DC. What they didn’t understand is that they were looking in the wrong place as Presidents come and go but the Career Politicians in Washington DC are there for decades.

Let’s stop banging our heads against a wall and join together to do something that will actually work. Something so simple and easy that anyone can take part and their vote will actually matter. Something that can unite us ALL under one cause. It’s time to send these Career Politicians a message even they can understand…YOU’RE FIRED!

Join the National Vote of No Confidence Movement ( and help us fire these Career Politicians (Incumbents) starting in the 2010 election.At the same time we can put up some good quality Independent candidates to take these offices from the Incumbents. As an added benefit, since these Independent candidates have no allegiance to a party, they will do what their constituents want rather than what their party or special interest groups tell them to do.

Some naysayers are commenting that this will never work, however, think about who is saying that and why. The two parties are in power because WE support them with our money and our votes. Without us they cease to exist so they will be the first ones to try to dissuade you because they have a vested interest in keeping a movement like this from succeeding. They will use lines like, “You’re wasting your vote” or “You are taking away votes from the party so the other side will win”. These are ridiculous statements and only meant to promote confusion and doubt in any effort other than theirs.

If you recall, Ross Perot would have won the Presidency as an Independent if he hadn’t backed out. In addition, the number of people registering as Independents is growing exponentially because people on both sides are fed up with the two party systems.

On a side note, some people are advocating forming ANOTHER political party when there is absolutely no need. Everyone can register as an Independent regardless of their political tendencies (Constitution, green party, libertarian, etc.)

Listen, we all have jobs, families and lives so don’t waste what little free time and energy you have on other efforts, join us and help us bring REAL change to Washington DC with a Vote of No Confidence in Congress. "

Sunday, April 26, 2009

We the People of The United States

I will act on issues that are in the best interest of the United States and its citizens. We have to act. You know it and I know it!

  • I don’t want an AMERICA where our major industries, crippled by government mandates, taxes, and regulations, that are taxpayer-supported and can no longer compete in the global marketplace.
    I don’t want an AMERICA where all employers will be forced to hire and promote not according to ability but according to race, gender, and ethnicity -- all in the name of "diversity". Hire on qualifications, not quotas!

  • I don’t want an AMERICA where our once-great centers of finance, industry, culture, and innovation -- from New York to the Silicon Valley -- will have gone to seed, while only Washington, D.C., and its environs prosper.

  • I don’t want an AMERICA, where only politicians, government bureaucrats, and their favored constituencies are able to thrive -- and where the only "liberty" that remains is the government's unlimited freedom to control every aspect of your life.